CrashlyticsKit を AntやMaven や Gradleと連携させて起動・実行する方法を簡単に説明します。 カスタムセットアップをしたい場合は、以下の各ビルドツールごとの説明を参照してください。
Build ToolsWe have simple instructions to get up and running with the CrashlyticsKit on Ant, Maven and Gradle. If you require a custom setup, see the instructions for your build tool below. |
特定のビルドで Crashlytics をインクルードしたくない場合、この一行を追加します。:
ext.enableCrashlytics = false
Gradle Advanced SetupIf you don’t want to include Crashlytics for a specific build, add this line to a flavor: ext.enableCrashlytics = false |
プロジェクトではなくプロジェクトで使っているライブラリ内にCrashlytics キットを設置したい場合、基本となるプロジェクトをセットアップした後に変更を加えます。
buildscript { repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { classpath '' } } apply plugin: '' apply plugin: 'io.fabric'
repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { compile('') { transitive = true; } }
注意: Fabric.withをアプリのonCreate()内ではなくライブラリ内で初期化したい場合、Fabric.withをライブラリ内に移動させてください。
Setting up a Library SubprojectIf you want the Crashlytics Kit to be in a library your project is using instead of your project, after setting up your base project, make these additional changes. buildscript { repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { classpath '' } } apply plugin: '' apply plugin: 'io.fabric' Then move the following lines to your library/build.gradle repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { compile('') { transitive = true; } } Note: If you want Fabric.with initialized in your library instead of your project’s onCreate(), move Fabric.with into the library. |
<property name="crashlytics.project.path" location="PROJECT.ROOT"></property> <property name="crashlytics.manifest.path" location="MANIFEST.PARENT/AndroidManifest.xml"></property> <property name="crashlytics.res.path" location="RES.PARENT/res"></property>
ant のビルド結果がAndroid SDKのビルド結果と大きく異なっている場合は、 crashlytics_build.xml
Ant Advanced SetupCustomize your setup by adding any of these locations to your <property name="crashlytics.project.path" location="PROJECT.ROOT"></property> <property name="crashlytics.manifest.path" location="MANIFEST.PARENT/AndroidManifest.xml"></property> <property name="crashlytics.res.path" location="RES.PARENT/res"></property> Refer to the comments at the top of the |
<plugin> <groupid>com.crashlytics</groupid> <artifactid>crashlytics-maven</artifactid> <version>1.7.0</version> <configuration> <androidManifestPath>relative/path/to/ AndroidManifest.xml</androidManifestPath> <androidAssetsPath>relative/path/to/assets </androidAssetsPath> <androidResPath>relative/path/to/assets </androidResPath> </configuration> <executions> <execution> <id>GenerateResources</id> <goals> <goal>GenerateResources</goal> </goals> </execution> <execution> <id>CleanupResources</id> <goals> <goal>CleanupResources</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin>
MavenAdd custom paths with this snippet: <plugin> <groupid>com.crashlytics</groupid> <artifactid>crashlytics-maven</artifactid> <version>1.7.0</version> <configuration> <androidManifestPath>relative/path/to/ AndroidManifest.xml</androidManifestPath> <androidAssetsPath>relative/path/to/assets </androidAssetsPath> <androidResPath>relative/path/to/assets </androidResPath> </configuration> <executions> <execution> <id>GenerateResources</id> <goals> <goal>GenerateResources</goal> </goals> </execution> <execution> <id>CleanupResources</id> <goals> <goal>CleanupResources</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin> |